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My dear beloved fans.

In the early past some news and one article about myself and the story of my exit from Cinema Bizarre were published in several Magazines.

I assertivly dissociate my self from thies informations .Because they are simply a complete lie and are not telling the truth at all.

Several judically plans are developing right at the moment to go against this deformation of my self .

I thank all my fans who told me about the shock they feeled when they read this.
I can only advise you to contact the publisher if you want to.

For my self i have to repaid that this story is not telling the truth at all.

My own , true version of the "story " will be official soon .

Thank you .


Мои дорогие, горячо любимые фанаты.

Недавно в нескольких журналах было опубликовано несколько новостей и одна статья о моем уходе из Cinema Bizarre.

Я не имею никакого отношения к этой информации. Потому что это все ложь, и там не говор ... Читать дальше »

Просмотров: 1213 | Добавил: Rage | Дата: 17.01.2009 | Комментарии (0)

com n get som



ill see u there wink

i <3 yu

Источник: Блог Ю на MySpace

Просмотров: 947 | Добавил: Rage | Дата: 17.01.2009 | Комментарии (0)

bam! wev got it! ;D
the EBBA is now in our hands and we reached Gold in Russia!!!
thanks to all of u for makin this possible!
hope to hav all of u on our side for stayin like this and makin toyZ becomin the perfect toy for ur ears! wink

psst...soon ill get my wings!

hav a nice weekend
keep in mind
"there is nothin good or bad, but thinkin makes it so"

Yu N. Phoenix

addicted to D'espairs Ray - Kamikaze & Brilliant (this solo penetrates my ears!)
i also enjoy the new Metallica Album

бам! мы получили ее! ;D
EBBA в наших руках и мы достигли золотого статуса в России!!!
спасибо вам всем за то, что делаете э ... Читать дальше »

Просмотров: 831 | Добавил: Rage | Дата: 17.01.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Hey Ladys and Gentleman ;D
We re back from Netherland and got the Ebba ;D
Damn cool !!!
But i am also honest about myself,
the last weeks i ve unattendet my fitness and also sometimes its quite hard not to smoke. But i ll try to stay hard for my plans. The Problem is i ve got a li ... Читать дальше »

Просмотров: 749 | Добавил: Rage | Дата: 17.01.2009 | Комментарии (0)

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«  Январь 2009  »
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